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Your baby's senses and how they help breastfeeding!

Updated: Nov 19, 2022

Your baby is born with innate instincts that help them to find the breast and breastfeed. They use all their senses to do this!


Your newborn can see a distance of about 8-10 inches. This gives them a perfect view of your face as they breastfeed. Throughout pregnancy the areola darkens due to hormonal influence. This also helps your baby to find their way to the breast.


In the womb your baby learns the sound of your voice. After they are born they will be attracted to the sound and will turn towards it, leading them closer to your breast.


Babies prefer sweet to any other taste. Breastmilk has a sweetness so babies are naturally drawn to this. Babies also show a strong preference for human milk, especially true if they are breastfed first and then offered formula.


Your baby will rely a lot on touch for breastfeeding. It is important they can have their hands free. So swaddling isn't advised when trying to breastfeed. They will use their hands to anchor themselves for attaching onto the breast. Their touch on your breast is also very important for encouraging milk flow and let downs. It is best to avoid the use of mittens or covering their hands.


This is a huge sense used for breastfeeding. Did you know that your colostrum has a similar scent to amniotic fluid? They will naturally be drawn to this familiar smell. A mother's armpit odour will also change and have a stronger scent, this is nature's way of helping your baby to find their way to the breast. It can be helpful to avoid the use of scented deodorants. The breasts also have montgomery glands that secrete oil to keep the nipple soft and moist. The smell of this oil also attracts your baby to the breast.

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