Becoming a parent is one of the biggest changes you will ever experience. We are sold this image of parenthood and how it should look. The perfect mother, wife, house, the perfect baby. This is simply not reality! I recently heard the phrase “no one has more to do than the modern woman”, this really rings true. Parenthood at times can be lonely, frustrating, monotonous, exhausting, joyful! You may have an endless mental list of jobs taking over your thoughts. If you add in breastfeeding, you can be physically and emotionally drained. It is normal NOT to enjoy breastfeeding at times. To care for your baby you must take care of you!
Tips for self-care
Take time for a bath/shower with no interruptions.
Sleep whenever you can, even if you cannot sleep, (some women find it difficult to doze off) just resting is helpful.
Have lunch with a friend.
Shelve the phone. Being in text groups is great to keep in touch. However, they can lead to stress and overwhelm. If you feel this way it is ok to put the phone down! It can wait.
Eating well and staying hydrated. Lots of nice nourishing food is so important.
Talk about how you are feeling, you are entitled to feel how you feel. Whether that is joy, exhaustion, rage, all your feelings are valid.
Assign tasks. We would all love our partners to be mind readers! But they are not. Be clear in asking what you would like them to do. We often think we can do things better or more efficiently but letting go and delegating is a good thing.
Reach out to other mothers. Meeting other mothers who you can relate to is helpful.
Exercise, being out in fresh air, may be the last thing you feel like doing but getting endorphins flowing is hugely beneficial.
Some women may have used hypno-birth techniques for labour, why not continue these helpful breathing techniques during times of stress.
Get your partner involved, express some milk to give to your baby if you wish.
Celebrating the small wins, making it out of the house can be a successful day.
Some women can find being away from their baby can add to their stress eg. worrying if they are hungry/unsettled. It is normal to feel this way, have your baby minded in the house or people can help in other ways- housework/cooking.
The reality of parenthood for many is the dry shampooed hair, clothes with puke stains and just getting through the day. Be kind to yourself. Accept what you can do today, the rest can wait. I love the mantra “this too shall pass”. If you need further help talk your Gp, your partner, a trusted friend, other health care professionals. You can also contact They provide professional counselling support to women and their partners through all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal.