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Growth Spurts.

Your baby will grow most rapidly during their first year. This happens in the form of growth spurts, which are short, intense bursts of growth. During the first 12 months of life, your baby will triple their body weight and gain an average of 10 inches in length! Centile charts are used to monitor your baby’s growth. These charts track your baby’s weight, length and head circumference in relation to other children the same age.

Signs of growth spurts.

  • Hunger, your baby will want to feed very frequently.

  • They may be awake more at night also to feed more frequently.

  • They may also be more fussy around this time.

  • Growth spurts usually last 2-3 days, but sometimes can last a week or so.

  • Can happen around 1 to 3 weeks, 6 to 8 weeks, 3, 6 and 9 months.

Tips to cope.
  • Follow your baby’s lead. Your baby’s desire to feed more frequently will boost your milk supply giving them the energy they need for this growth spurt.

  • Skin to skin and baby wearing can help if they are more fussy than usual.

  • Remember it won’t last forever, things will settle down again.

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