This is another topic I was asked for some information on. While exclusive breastfeeding is advised for the first 6 months, some families may choose to combination feed for a variety of reasons. This means breastfeeding and giving some formula also. Safe formula preparation is very important. The HSE website has all up to date information. Guidance can change overtime so always check.
Points to consider.
It is advisable to breastfeed for the first 4-6 weeks to set up your milk supply and ensure it is robust. Then, if you wish you can introduce a bottle and formula.
What age is your baby? 6 months and under introduce a bottle. From 6 months if not keen on taking a bottle you could use an open cup/ sippy cup (non valved).
Safe formula preparation.
Type of bottle and teat.
The comfort of your breasts.
Tips on giving a bottle.
Some will happily take one and can go back to breast with no issue, others it can take time. It is a different feel, suck, flow. So be patient!
Choose a bottle with a wide based teat and a slow flow.
Pick the same time of day. When your baby isn’t very hungry/tired.
Gently introduce the bottle, direct the teat towards the roof of their mouth, this should trigger their suck reflex.
Always pace the feed, hold bottle horizontally.
If giving formula it is a new taste. So maybe small amount initially, mixing with some expressed breast milk can help.
Breast comfort.
If you are dropping a breastfeed for a formula feed, your breasts need time to adjust to the drop in demand. So go slowly!
Hand express for comfort if necessary. It can take a few days for the supply to adjust.
When you supply has adjusted and you wish to add in another formula feed then pick another feed to substitute.
If wish you to match your supply for your baby’s demand then you will need to express around the time they receive the bottle.
Formula preparation.
Always follow guidelines. HSE website has all up to date information
Formula powder is not sterile, this is why it must be prepared in the correct way.
Your baby may take less volume than is recommended on the tin. Follow their lead.