A common question I was asked when breastfeeding my toddlers was, are you not afraid they will bite you? This did happen to me on occasion, it is not pleasant and can be a surprise. I hope the below info can help! When a baby is latched on correctly, their tongue covers their lower teeth. So it should be impossible for them to bite you while actively feeding. Babies tend to bite when they have sore gums due to teething, are distracted, they may turn to look at something while latched on, are bored, looking for your attention or coming to the end of a feed when the milk flow has slowed. If biting does happen it tends to be a phase!
Some strategies to help
Go back to basics, good positioning and attachment is very important.
Watch your baby’s behaviour during a feed. They may bite to get your attention so try not to be distracted with your phone or tv, keep engaged with your baby, lot’s of eye contact.
When you feel your baby’s swallows are less and the feeding is coming to an end, Keep a finger near the baby's mouth ready to break the suction in case they clamp down. Take them off and offer the other side.
If you feel they are biting due to distraction try and feed in a calmer environment.
Don’t pressure a disinterested baby to breastfeed. If they push you away, offer the breast again later.
Remove a sleeping baby who’s no longer actively sucking. Gently insert your finger at the corner of the baby’s mouth to release the nipple.
If they do bite.
If they do bite during a feed, try not to shout, this can give them a fright which can lead to a nursing strike! Or to laugh as they will think this is hilarious and will encourage them to continue to do this!
Take them off and put them down, calmly say something like “no, that hurts mammy”.
If they are teething soothing the gums before a feed can help. Offer something cool for them to suck on..
If you have any nipple damage, try a different feeding positions, use nipple ointment. If you are very sore and can’t tolerate your baby at the breast, protect the supply by expressing.
Remember this is usually a phase, be as calm and as consistent at you can! Hope this helps!