⭐️ Slings or carriers provide a gentle way of transitioning babies from the calm environment of the womb to that of the outside world. Babies in carriers continue to be rocked by movement and will have the familiar sound of their mother’s heartbeat. ⭐️ They can help facilitate bonding. When babies are held closely, the adult and the baby can see each other’s faces, leading to frequent verbal and non-verbal interaction, enhancing speech and social development. ⭐️ Lots of types out there. Soft slings/wraps or more structured carriers. Also nice for partners to be able to carry their baby. Ring slings allow you to feed your baby while being carried. ⭐️ They are helpful when entertaining your toddler, you can have your hands free to tend to them. ⭐️ Always remember TICKS
T-Tight- Your sling or baby carrier should be tight, with your baby held close against your body. Being too loose can cause baby to slump making it difficult for them to breathe. I-In- view at all times you should be able to see your baby's face by glancing down. C-close- enough to kiss. If you tip your head forward, you should be able to kiss his forehead or the top of his head. K -keep -chin off the chest. Make sure you can put at least one finger between his chin and his chest to keep him safe. S-supported back. ⭐️Two of my babies in particular loved being carried! The pic is of me and my little boy Dara. He practically lived on me! How about you?