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All about your baby's poo.

You can actually tell quite a bit from your baby's stool. The colour, consistency and frequency can provide some valuable information about your baby's wellbeing.

Days 1-2 .
  • Your baby will pass meconium, this is your baby’s first stool.

  • It is composed of hair, cells, it is black, thick, sticky.

  • Your baby will usually pass this within the first 24-48 hours.

  • Breast milk has a laxative effect so it can help to clear meconium quicker.

Days 3- 4.
  • After 1 to 2 days the stool colour will begin to change from black to a green/yellow colour.

  • It can be loose in consistency and sometimes seedy.

  • Is called transitional stool.

From day 5.
  • Stool colour should be yellow, like mustard seeds.

  • It should be soft.

  • Your baby may poo at every feed.

Green stool.
  • After breastfeeding is well established occasionally your baby may have a green poo. However, if it is consistently green and explosive it can indicate a problem.

  • Especially if your baby is also unsettled. May be an oversupply of mother’s milk, a sensitivity to something the mother has eaten or even ineffective breastfeeding.

  • Seek advice.

White stool.
  • White poo at any stage should be investigated.

  • White poo can indicate that your baby isn’t producing enough bile in their liver to help them digest food properly.

Stool pattern can change.
  • After about six weeks, some babies poo much less often.

  • Breastfed babies may go many days without producing any poo.

  • As long as your baby is growing well and the poo they produce is soft and they are passing wind. It shouldn’t be a cause for concern.

  • As always seek advice if you are worried.

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